Audio broker uk have recently been appointed official service / repair centre for formula sound mixer and products worldwide.
Proud to support formula sound. A great British company with a history stretching back into the 80’s when Tony Cockell designed and built the first PM80 mixing desk in stockport manchester england. Following huge success worldwide the PM90 mixer was produced with optional limiter based on the avc2. Around the year 2000 formula sound produced the system 2000 mixer. Although not hugely popular in the uk there is a strong following of the system 2000 in spain. The more modern FSM400 and FSM600 followed in red blue or black colours. Formula sound are still producing some of the best dj mixers in the world.
We have been working on formula sound products for 25 years, And always have a selection of new and used formula sound mixers for sale and are happy to quote for service or repair of your mixer. Contact us today for more details.